Check-in on the Base #13: The Peace Country
My son in the side-by-side, Duane Steele in the crowd and Lachlan Neville on stage
Howdy Readers,
Before anything, Happy 40th to my co-writing, backwards guitar playing, comrade-in-arms, Del Barber. My brother, Jarid, and I made the trek out to Inglis, MB on Saturday night to celebrate alongside Del’s friends and family as he served one of the best meals I’ve had in ages. Not that I should have expected any less. He fried up his own crop of chickens and served it alongside the most tender of briskets. The evening was a testament to the beauty he is. It was an honour to be included among his closest. Love you, Del. Thanks for such a nice evening.
The Talkin’ to Farmers Tour continues next week in a slightly closer region than last weeks venture up into Northwestern Alberta but I’ll tell ya what, I’ll definitely be returning to The Peace Country. The intent was to tread new ground and the mission was accomplished. Don and Deanna at Neighbours, Jason Kulyna and his partner Brittany, Kurt Furstenwerth and his partner Jill, Chris Rhyason, Ken Smyth and Sara Lavoie - the works of ya made the trip an abounding success.
Then to make it all that much cooler, Duane Steele and his crew came out to show their support in Fairview. It was extra special to see utility player, Denis Defresne, in the crowd as he masterfully laid down all the fiddle, mandolin and banjo on my new album. He and I would make a great duo…just sayin’.

Talkin’ to Farmers Tour continues next week with shows in Val Marie, Climax and Kyle.
Show Information & Links
Thursday October 26 - Val Marie, SK
Palais Royale Theatre w/ Brad Proundlove and Lachlan Neville
Doors @ 6:30 PM / Show @ 7:00 PM
$15 Adv / $20 Door
Tickets available by contacting Brad Proudlove 306-717-1117 or online at
Friday October 27 - Climax, SK
Fundraiser for the Climax Cardinals
Climax Hall w/ Lachlan Neville
Doors @ 7:00 PM / Show @ 7:30 PM
$20 Adv / $25 Door
Tickets available by contacting Nick Coburn 306-293-7770
Saturday October 28 - Kyle, SK
Kyle Elks & Community Hall w/ Bryce Lewis and Lachlan Neville
Doors @ 7:00 PM / Show @ 7:30 PM
$15 Adv / $20 Door
Tickets available at the Kyle Co-op or online at
So excited for you!!