Check-in on the Base #16: Christopher Lake Show
Zyn's, a performance in Christopher Lake and Jake Kohn
Howdy Readers,
Well, I had my mic plugged, my headset on and I didn’t choose the correct input for this Check-in so the audio is a little “roomy” as my computer mic was doing the recording. Whatever, perfection is the enemy to progress.
Thanks again to Brandy Smart at Vacationland News up in Christopher Lake for taking the time to chat with me and write one of the most comprehensive overviews of my career as promotion for an upcoming show.
Tomorrow night, Friday, January 19th I’m playing the Gary Anderson Community Centre in Christopher Lake, SK with my man, Lachlan Neville opening up the show. Tickets are on sale at Lakeland Liquor, doors are at 6:45PM and show is at 7:30PM. I’ve been playing up in the area more regularly over the last couple years with the Pinetree Festival and the Metis Festival in Big River, hope those that saw the Denim Wedding over the last couple years up there will head on out to see what I can do when I’m not in a one-piece denim jumpsuit. Maybe I’ll throw it in for the encore if I’m lucky enough to get a small applause. We’ll see.
Here is Brandy’s write-up. Thanks Brandy. It was a pleasure,
Vacationland News interview with Blake Berglund
Also - shout out to all of you with a free subscription. For real. It’s as important to me to write entries for all to connect to. I have one coming out next week, The Day The Clouds Turned that gives some context on my spiritual growth and an evolving relationship with it. I’ve come to believe that a crisis in faith is faith. Having it torn apart is the process of it being strengthened.
The last installment to the Where Have All My Horses Gone? series in coming down the pike, as well. That’s going out to paid subscribers as it has the album cut from the new record “What’s Left of the Right”. There still time to upgrade and get the new album in the mail free of charge. At this point I have a growing list of folks, that I still need to reach out to for mailing addresses, so if I haven’t, expect it.
Here’s a taste of Bryce laying down the into.
Sounds like a great trip. First time I heard down Jake I immediately felt the same feelings I felt when I first heard Johnny Lang! Great voice!
Little upperdecky?