Check-in on the Base #21: What's Left of the Right is released
available for streaming, recording the album and thank yous
Article voiceover
Howdy Readers,
What’s Left of the Right has been released on all streaming platforms.
This is legit surreal on my end. This whole thing began in late 2019 and has lived alongside me through one of the most transformative periods of my life.
Thank you to so many. And I always remember one more. I shared as many as I could in the recorded message.
And of course, my wife and family. Thank you.
With love I offer this album to you all.
What’s Left of the Right is available on all streaming platforms.
Every listen counts, if something connects please introduce a friend.
Congrats! I’ve downloaded it and am excited to give it a listen this weekend!
congrats all that hard work is shining proud.